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Funded Projects

During its runtime, EMIL will be providing financial support to third parties (FSTP) of 5.6M EUR in total with the purpose of accelerating the development of virtual, augmented and mixed reality (XR) technologies, content, services and applications. Two calls for funding have been executed in 2023 – closing in January and August respectively. The projects funded through the first call have begun their work on their projects in EMIL, the second call’s funded projects will be announced shortly. Beyond the financial support, EMIL is also providing support through the four partners’ research excellence, technological and creative expertise and their wide contact networks.

By doing this, EMIL establishes both a physical and a virtual lab infrastructure. This infrastructure extends beyond the EMIL consortium partners to the FSTP projects and of course all external expert evaluators and advisors from the XR community.

Feel free to browse through the FSTP projects’ descriptions to find more abour their goals and current status and discover some of the experts that helped in the selection of the FSTP winners.

Call 1 – FSTP Recipients

Call 2 – FSTP Recipients

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