Partners present EMIL at Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart
Our representatives recently had the chance to present EMIL at this year’s Film and Media Exchange – FMX at Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart. They gave a workshop on the project’s overriding idea and progress and promoted the upcoming second call for open proposals starting in June 2023. Approximately 3,500 participants joined the conference, attending 160 presentations, discussions and workshops by over 300 speakers from April 25 to 28 on site as well as online.
EMIL is a pan-European network of major academic institutions that accelerates the development of XR technologies and contents. The consortium will launch and coordinate financial support to third parties (FSTP) – providing total funding of €5.6M. EMIL will also support the funded projects through the four partner’s research excellence and their technological and creative expertise.
Moreover, each of the involved institutions will demonstrate latest knowledge through Lighthouse Projects, exhibiting excellence in each partner’s unique area of expertise: Narrative Media Production, Smart Garments, Animation, VFX, Embodied Interaction, Digital Cultural Heritage, Digital Health, Motion Capture and technological XR development.