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Home News EMIL at University of Bath

EMIL at University of Bath

EMIL Nodes and FSTPs meet at University of Bath for demos and review

EMIL is a distributed XR lab, a network of nodes that spans four countries, and it works with FSTP companies and institutions across many other European countries. For that reason, it normally holds meetings online, but last week, representatives from all of the nodes and many of the FSTPs gathered at  The University of Bath for two days of presentations and demos. On Thursday, the FSTPs that have reached the 12th month of their funding period had the opportunity to present their progress to EMIL members and industry experts. Then, on Friday, they all gathered in the Claverton Rooms of University of Bath for public demonstrations of their innovative projects. 

We all had a lot of fun trying the out the latest tech from the groups, and wish a hearty cheers to Bath (the town and the University) for being such warm and welcoming hosts!

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