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Home News Around 90 proposals received

Around 90 proposals received

EMIL Call-1 evaluation process of about 90 proposals for funding support for third parties (FSTP). The proposals will be first evaluated by the external Independent Experts Panel (IEP) and then by the Programme Committee of EMIL partners. The process should take about 10 weeks.

Meanwhile, ever wondered how it feels like to be in a traditional Finnish Sauna?

In Finland, you can find over 3 million saunas for a population of 5.5 million. Historically, the sauna was used as a sterile environment for medical treatments, childbirth, and preparing the deceased for burial. Today, it is mostly used as a place for relaxation or socializing. As one of the lighthouse projects, the smart garment research group continues to develop tactile experiences of a virtual sauna. The core idea of a virtual sauna is to research how thermal sensations like hot and cold can be implemented in XR solutions. 

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